Jermaine Bell and Walt Disney

In 2019, a boy named Jermaine Bell went viral on social media after he used the money he had saved for his birthday to feed Hurricane Dorian evacuees in South Carolina.

Jermaine Bell, who was 6 years old at the time, had been saving money for over a year for his 7th birthday with hopes of going to Disney World. However, when he found out that many Hurricane Dorian evacuees were passing through his town, he decided to spend all his money on food for them.

With the help of his grandmother, Jermaine prepared and distributed over 100 hot dogs, chips, and water to the evacuees passing by the road. His act of kindness and generosity went viral on social media and people began donating money to help him fulfill his dream of visiting Disney World.

Disney World also caught wind of the story and decided to invite Jermaine and his family to visit the park as special guests. The company even organized a birthday celebration for Jermaine in the park, complete with Disney characters and a personalized cake.

Jermaine’s story is an example of how a small act of kindness can inspire others and create a ripple effect of generosity and mutual aid. His gesture is also a reminder of the importance of putting others’ needs above our own and how a small act of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s life.

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