The last wish of Kilian Sass

Meet the inspiring story of Kilian Sass, a brave six-year-old boy who fought against an illness. His final wish was an unusual yet meaningful request: ‘Krach für Kilian’ (Noise for Kilian).

The story of Kilian Sass

Kilian, from the German city of Rhauderfehn in Lower Saxony, is the son of a motorcyclist from a 24-member group. His friend Ralf Pietsch decided to make the boy’s wish come true. Kilian shared a heartfelt voice message asking for help from the bikers to see them pass by his house, making as much noise as possible.

Pietsch launched the campaign called “Krach für Kilian” (Noise for Kilian), and just four days later, on July 24th, the bikers showed up massively to support the boy. Accompanied by local police, the bikers gathered at three meeting points and then paraded in front of Kilian’s house, shouting and honking their horns. The parade began at 9:30 in the morning and lasted until around 5 in the afternoon.

Kilian’s occupational therapist and rehabilitation technician, Pietsch, managed to gather over 15,000 motorcyclists in response to the call.

The campaign page for Kilian, as well as Kilian’s parents, Lars and Jasmin, expressed immense gratitude for the tremendous support that it brought to Kilian and the overwhelming response to this Facebook call.

The story of Kilian Sass has touched the hearts of many, reminding us of the importance of providing love and support to those going through challenging times. Through his bravery and his final wish, Kilian taught us the importance of finding joy and strength even in the toughest moments.

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