Greg Zanis’ crosses

Greg Zanis’ crosses

In 2018, a wildfire devastated the city of Paradise, California, leaving thousands homeless and claiming the lives of many others. In the midst of the devastation and sorrow, a man named Greg Zanis decided to do something to help the affected community. The idea of the crosses Zanis, a retired carpenter at age 68, decided…

The last wish of Kilian Sass

The last wish of Kilian Sass

Meet the inspiring story of Kilian Sass, a brave six-year-old boy who fought against an illness. His final wish was an unusual yet meaningful request: ‘Krach für Kilian’ (Noise for Kilian). The story of Kilian Sass Kilian, from the German city of Rhauderfehn in Lower Saxony, is the son of a motorcyclist from a 24-member…

A guide dog named Roselle

A guide dog named Roselle

Roselle and Michael are an inseparable duo, and for good reason. Roselle is a Labrador Retriever guide dog who saved her owner Michael Hingson’s life during the September 11, 2001 attacks in New York City. On that fateful day, Michael was working in his office in the North Tower of the World Trade Center when…

Gino Tubaro and his 3D prints

Gino Tubaro and his 3D prints

Gino Tubaro is a young Argentine inventor who has dedicated his career to creating high-quality, low-cost prosthetics for people in need. His initiative has changed the lives of many people around the world, and has been widely recognized for its social impact. The Birth of Atomic Lab It all began when Gino was 18 years…

Animals are also heroes

Animals are also heroes

Animals are incredibly intelligent and empathetic beings that not only provide us with companionship but have also shown to be lifesavers in dangerous situations, making them heroes of animal origin. Here are some examples of animals that have saved people: Animal Heroes Throughout history, there have been many examples of animals that have risked their…