Christian, an Inspiring 8-Year-Old Boy

When Christian McPhilamy, an 8-year-old boy from Texas, learned that his school friend had cancer and had lost his hair due to treatment, he decided to do something to help. Christian’s idea was to donate his own hair to make wigs for children with cancer.

The inspiration

Christian was inspired by a public campaign where a girl donated her hair to make wigs for children with cancer. The campaign touched Christian’s heart, and he decided to do the same. He grew his hair for two and a half years so he could donate it.

The donation

In a viral video, Christian is shown cutting his hair after letting it grow for so long. He then donated his hair to Children With Hair Loss, a non-profit organization that provides free human hair wigs to children who have lost their hair due to medical treatments.

The impact of Christian’s gesture

Christian’s gesture not only helped his school friend, but also inspired other children to do the same. Christian’s mother, Deanna Thomas, said that her son has been an example to other children in school and in the community.

The organization

Children With Hair Loss, the organization to which Christian donated his hair, was founded in 2000 and has provided over 5,000 free human hair wigs to children and young adults across the United States and Canada. The organization not only provides wigs, but also training and education on hair and skin care.

The importance of wigs for children with cancer

For children fighting cancer, hair loss can be an unfortunate side effect of treatment. Human hair wigs give these children the opportunity to feel more secure and comfortable while battling the disease. In addition, wigs allow them to continue participating in normal activities and maintain their self-esteem.

Christian inspires more children

Michael, another local boy who is only 6 years old and from Killarney Heights, was inspired by Christian McPhilamy to perform the same gesture. He decided to grow his hair for 3 years to turn it into a wig just like Christian did.

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