Glen Oakley, a story of courage

In 2019, in the city of El Paso, Texas, a man named Glen Oakley became a local hero after helping to protect several children during a shooting at a shopping center.

A hero in the midst of a shooting

Oakley, who is a military veteran and resident of El Paso, was shopping at the mall when he heard the gunshots and realized what was happening. Instead of running away from danger, Oakley ran toward the sound of gunfire to see if he could help.

When he arrived at the scene of the shooting, Oakley saw several children who were terrified and alone. Without hesitation, Oakley approached the children and led them to safety, away from the scene of the shooting. “I was just focused on the kids, I wasn’t really worried about myself. So I just put my head down and just ran as fast as I could,” he said. “They were anxious, when they were in my arms, they were trying to jump out of my arms, but [I was] trying to keep them as tight as possible. They are kids, so they don’t understand what is going on.”

Oakley’s heroic act was captured on video by several people who were at the mall at the time. The footage went viral on social media and Oakley became a hero in his community and across the country.

Gratitude for Glen Oakley

The story of Glen Oakley is an example of how an act of kindness and courage can make a big difference in the lives of others, especially in times of crisis. His quick response and dedication to protecting the children during the shooting was an example to all and a reminder of the importance of acting with bravery in dangerous situations.

The El Paso community has expressed their gratitude to Oakley for his heroic act and he has been recognized for his bravery on multiple occasions. His story has inspired many and demonstrated that there are always heroes willing to risk their own lives to protect others.

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