Greg Zanis’ crosses

In 2018, a wildfire devastated the city of Paradise, California, leaving thousands homeless and claiming the lives of many others. In the midst of the devastation and sorrow, a man named Greg Zanis decided to do something to help the affected community.

The idea of the crosses

Zanis, a retired carpenter at age 68, decided to build wooden crosses for each of the people who had lost their lives in the fire. With the help of his family and friends, he began building the crosses in his workshop in Aurora, Illinois.

Once the crosses were ready, Zanis traveled to Paradise and began placing them in the places where people had died. The crosses were simple and plain, with the name of the person who had lost their life and the date of the fire.

The impact of the crosses

Zanis’ idea soon went viral, and the crosses began appearing in other parts of the world. Residents of Paradise were moved and grateful for Zanis’ gesture, and the crosses became a symbol of hope and unity in the midst of tragedy.

Zanis continued placing the crosses in Paradise and other places where tragedies had occurred, such as the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017. His work was recognized throughout the country, and he received numerous honors and awards for his social impact.

The legacy of Greg Zanis

Zanis passed away in May 2020, but his legacy has persisted through his work. The crosses he built and placed have served as a reminder of the importance of unity and love in times of tragedy. His work has inspired many people to do something to help others in times of need, and his legacy will endure for generations.

In summary, Greg Zanis’ story is proof that a single gesture of kindness and love can have a great impact on the world. His crosses have served as a symbol of hope and unity in times of tragedy, and his legacy reminds us that we can all do something to help others in times of need.

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